Green Taxonomy – A Push Towards Sustainable Property Investments
The Green Taxonomy is a regulatory framework developed by the European Union, designed to channel investments towards economic activities that contribute to environmental objectives.
The Importance of Certifications in Sustainable Building
Currently, sustainability certificates have acquired a key role in the construction sector.
Investment Opportunities – Shortage of Student Beds in Spain
Although Spain leads investments in student residence halls in Europe, it has a deficit of 450,000 beds affecting both domestic and international students, with a growing demand that far exceeds the existing supply.
The Property Impact of the Olympic Games
Hosting the Olympic Games requires a large amount of investment, but can generate a very positive social and economic impact for cities.
The Effect of the Fall in Rates on the Property Industry
September has been thick with challenges for investors with renewed interest in the rate cut by the European Central Bank.
Economic Outlook for Spain in 2024 – Opportunities and Challenges in the Property Industry
2024 brings a number of challenges and opportunities for the Spanish economy and, in particular, for the property sector. Effective management of inflation and political instability, along with capitalising on opportunities in internationalisation and digitalisation, will be key to business growth. Organisations that adapt quickly to such changes will be well placed to take advantage of future growth potential and improve their market presence.